クリニック案内 東京都のクリニック 湘南美容クリニック 銀座院 特集記事 Liposuction Introducing Dr. Kuzushima of SBC Ginza Clinic, a famous liposuction doctor in Tokyo



Introducing Dr. Kuzushima of SBC Ginza Clinic, a famous liposuction doctor in Tokyo

A doctor famous for liposuction in Tokyo is Dr. Kuzushima of SBC Ginza .

During that time, within the Shonan Beauty Clinic, which has over 400 doctors, Dr. Kuzushima ranks No. 1 in the country for the number of body liposuction cases.
*Second half of 2021/first and second half of 2022/first half of 2023/second half of 2024

If you are considering liposuction in Tokyo, we recommend Dr. Kuzushima, a famous doctor who performs more than 1,000 surgical liposuctions a year.
I will introduce Dr. Kuzushima's cases and liposuction.



Within the Shonan Beauty Clinic, which has over 400 doctors, Dr. Kuzushima ranks No. 1 in the country for the number of body liposuction cases. *Second half of 2021/first and second half of 2022/first half of 2023/second half of 2024
We recommend Dr. Kuzushima, a famous doctor in Tokyo for liposuction who performs over 1000 surgeries a year!

Introducing Dr. Kuzushima's cases "by site"!


Facce liposuction

Facce liposuction
In fact, compression fixation for facial liposuction can be done in one day! Liposuction may seem to be a difficult task, but you can get the ideal small face without needing to take any special holidays.
[Case Commentary] Although the patient had a well-shaped face, the face line was blurred, and the area around the mouth became sluggish. The contours were raised with liposuction and a thread lift, and the sluggishness around the mouth was improved by removing jowl fat.


Upper arm liposuction

Upper arm liposuction
The upper arms are not often used in everyday life, so subcutaneous fat tends to accumulate on them. This is one of the areas where it is difficult to lose weight because there are limits to how much you can massage and exercise on your own.
[Case description] The thickness of the upper arms is a concern, but the thickness of the upper body is also noticeable. People who undergo liposuction on their upper arms often have the shoulder and upper back treated as a set.


Abdomen liposuction

Abdomen liposuction
Liposuction on the abdomen is more difficult to perform than on other areas and requires a high level of skill. Please rest assured that Dr. Kuzushima is a highly experienced doctor who performs whole body liposuction every day.


lower body liposuction

lower body liposuction
Some people find it difficult to lose weight in their lower body due to their skeletal structure. Dr. Kuzushima performs ``3D liposuction,'' which is performed based on the customer's bone structure.
[Explanation of the case] During that time, I created a gap and my legs became straight when viewed from the front and from behind.

SBC Ginza Dr. Kuzushima's commitment to liposuction


Beautiful liposuction with attention to detail by VASER and Aquicell machines

Beautiful liposuction with attention to detail by VASER and Aquicell machines<br />
After softening the fat with special ultrasonic waves called ``Vaser waves'' that melt only fat cells, we use ``Aquicell Liposuction'', which uses a vibrating suction tube, to finely suction out fat in areas that are difficult to suction normally.
By suctioning the fat melted by VASER waves with a vibrating Aquicell suction tube, the treatment can be performed with minimal force, reducing the burden on the body and reducing downtime. Choosing a machine is important in order to feel safe and effective.


Adopts drainage method to minimize downtime after liposuction

Adopts drainage method to minimize downtime after liposuction<br />
``Drainage that suppresses swelling'' is a method to keep the wound open on the day of surgery.
By doing so, the accumulated anesthetic solution can be drained to the end, reducing downtime such as bruising, swelling, and pain after liposuction.
*Downtime varies from person to person.

About the risk of failure with liposuction



After liposuction, the skin tone becomes dull and it usually takes 3 to 6 months for the skin to return to its original state, but if too much fat is removed, pigmentation will become even stronger and the recovery period will be longer.
In the worst case, the skin may become necrotic and rot, so be careful.


Water buildup/swelling

It plays a role in collecting waste products from the body, preventing them from accumulating, and can damage the lymph vessels, worsening edema and prolonging downtime.


There is unevenness on the skin

The human body is made up of skin, fat, and muscle, but if you remove too much fat, the muscles will be located just below the skin, making the shape of the muscles stand out and causing you to look bulky.

Dr. Kuzushima, SBC Ginza, a famous liposuction doctor, explains in a video!


Liposuction complete guide video

Why is Dr. Kuzushima considered an excellent liposuction doctor?


Focus on the beauty of the finish

Focus on the beauty of the finish
We perform liposuction by designing the body line while keeping in mind the structure of the skeleton, how muscles are built up, and how fat is built up.
By doing this, you can have a beautiful body from any angle.


Large number of liposuction cases and extensive experience

We perform over 1,000 surgeries a year, and we refine our skills every day.
They are selected not only from Tokyo but also from all over the country, and many treatments are performed by a wide range of staff.



About downtime for liposuction

About downtime for liposuction
This is a case in which downtime was minimized by determining the appropriate amount of fat to be suctioned and performing drainage to suppress swelling.
*Downtime varies from person to person.


Is there any pain?

Is there any pain?<br />
Rest assured, we can suppress pain and lighten the burden on your body by using a combination of epidural anesthesia, which is effective only at the surgical site, and intravenous anesthesia, which provides general sedation and analgesia.


How to make a reservation

If you live outside of Japan
If you live in Japan and need English or Chinese support,
Please make a reservation by phone here.
Due to the absence of interpreter staff at SBC GINZA
Please be sure to bring your own interpreter.
If communication is not possible, surgery may not be possible.

🇯🇵Call from Japan
🛩from outside Japan

※call center10:00-19:00
(Japan time)


For those who want to design their entire face

Aquicell facial liposuction set

※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.


〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(cheek + submandibular) ¥513,600(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥645,820(TAXin)
◆ Buccal fat removal +¥60,000(TAX in)
◆ Jowl fat removal +¥60,000(TAX in)


For those who want healthy and thin upper arms

Aquicell upper arml liposuction set

※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.


〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(upper arm+shoulder+side of shoulder blade)¥697,200(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥819,420(TAXin)


For those who are worried about abdominal fat

Aquicell abdominal liposuction set

※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.


〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell abdominal liposuction set ¥1,430,400(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥1,552,620(TAXin)


For those who want to have slender and beautiful legs

Aquicell thigh liposuction set

※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.


〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(Thighs, buttocks, knees set)¥1,430,400(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥1,552,620(TAXin)




所在地 東京都中央区銀座4丁目3番1号 並木館9階
診療時間 AM10:00~PM7:00
アクセス 銀座線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
日比谷線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
丸ノ内線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
山手線 有楽町駅 徒歩4分



葛島 魁人 医師
葛島 魁人 医師
■日本救急医学会 ICLS/immediate cardiac life support プロバイダー
■ボトックス 認定医
2017年 順天堂大学医学部卒業
2017年 順天堂大学附属静岡病院勤務(形成外科)
2018年 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院勤務(形成外科)
2019年 湘南美容クリニック入職
2021年 湘南美容クリニック豊洲院 院長就任
2022年 湘南美容クリニック銀座院 院長就任

SBCメディカルグループ クリニック一覧












オンラインクリニック クリニック一覧

リッツ美容外科 クリニック一覧

ゴリラクリニック クリニック一覧

リゼクリニック クリニック一覧


湘南美容クリニックは日本美容外科学会(JSAPS)専門医、日本美容外科学会正会員、日本形成外科学会専門医 、先進医療医師会 参与、日本再生医療学会 理事長補佐、国際美容外科学会(International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)Active Member、医学博士、厚生労働省認定臨床研修指導医、日本整形外科学会・専門医、日本麻酔科学会認定医、厚生労働省麻酔科標榜医、日本外科学会専門医・正会員、日本胸部外科学会正会員、日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会会員、日本静脈学会会員医学博士、日本医師会認定産業医、日本抗加齢医学会会員、日本マイクロサージャリー学会会員、GID(性同一性障害)学会会員、日本脂肪吸引学会会員、美容皮膚科学会正会員、日本レーザー治療学会会員などの資格を保有した医師が在籍しております。

