クリニック案内 東京都のクリニック 湘南美容クリニック 銀座院 特集記事 Liposuction Before and after liposuction case photos by famous liposuction doctor Kuzushima Shonan Beauty Clinic Ginza in Tokyo



Before and after liposuction case photos by famous liposuction doctor Kuzushima Shonan Beauty Clinic Ginza in Tokyo

【You can make a reservation on this page】



"Shonan Beauty Clinic Ginza" in Tokyo is a beauty clinic with many doctors specializing in liposuction. This article includes photos of liposuction cases by the director, Dr. Kuzushima. We introduce before and after surgery.

Dr. Kuzushima, SBC Ginza Clinic


Dr. Kuzushima, SBC Ginza Clinic

Dr. Kuzushima, SBC Ginza Clinic

Liposuction before and after


Face liposuction before and after

Face liposuction before and after
It is important to determine whether facial liposuction is suitable for surgery.
Dr. Kuzushima will liposuction the appropriate amount of fat, resulting in a smooth and beautiful finish.


Upper arm liposuction before and after

Upper arm liposuction before and after
Many people are worried about upper arm liposuction because their first surgery failed. Mr. Kuzushima creates beautiful upper arms without any unevenness.


Stomach liposuction before and after

Stomach liposuction before and after
Abdominal liposuction is a very dangerous surgery unless performed by an experienced doctor. Dr. Kuzushima can perform liposuction safely.
He performs liposuction to give you the perfect belly.


Thighs and buttocks liposuction before and after

Thighs and buttocks liposuction before and after
Dr. Kuzushima is particular about thigh liposuction. In most cases, liposuction of the thighs will cause the buttocks to sag. However,
Mr. Kuzushima makes fine adjustments to prevent the buttocks from sagging and creates a beautiful lower body.
In addition, I am well versed in BBL and butt lifts, and have given presentations at academic conferences.

About Dr. Kuzushima


Over 13,000 liposuction cases

Over 13,000 liposuction cases
Dr. Kuzushima is an expert at Shonan Beauty Clinic who has a large number of liposuction cases.
The number of cases of liposuction alone exceeds 13,000.
In addition, she has the highest number of cases among the more than 400 doctors at Shonan Beauty Clinics throughout Japan.
(* Upper arms, stomach, thighs, and calves/2023-2024 period)

Dr. Kuzushima is recommended for body liposuction in Japan.


Medical examinations can be conducted in English

Dr. Kuzushima has studied abroad in the United States, so he is able to provide examinations in English.
Even those who are anxious because they cannot speak Japanese can undergo surgery with peace of mind.

Access to Shonan Beauty Clinic Ginza

Access 01

Ginza is a city with very good transportation access.

Ginza is a city with very good transportation access.
Ginza is on the Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line, and Ginza Line, and is convenient for commuting as it is only a 5-minute walk from Yurakucho Station and Hibiya Station.
There is also a direct bus from the airport to Ginza Station, and many people come from overseas to consult about liposuction.

Access 02

2 minutes walk from Exit C8 of Ginza Subway Station

2 minutes walk from Exit C8 of Ginza Subway Station
Our clinic is located a 2-minute walk from Exit C8 of Ginza Station.
Ginza Station is also close to Tokyo Station, making it very convenient.


liposuction menu

Liposuction performed by Dr. Kuzushima

*These prices are current as of February 10, 2025. Prices may vary from season to season.


【Aquicell facial liposuction set】
※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.

〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(cheek + submandibular) ¥513,600(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥645,820(TAXin)
◆ Buccal fat removal +¥60,000(TAX in)
◆ Jowl fat removal +¥60,000(TAX in)

【Aquicell upper arml liposuction set】
※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.
〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(upper arm+shoulder+side of shoulder blade)¥697,200(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥819,420(TAXin)

【Aquicell abdominal liposuction set】
※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.

〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell abdominal liposuction set ¥1,430,400(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥1,552,620(TAXin)

【Aquicell thigh liposuction set】
※Applicable parts vary depending on the customer's condition. These prices are as of January 21, 2025, so they may change depending on when you make your reservation.
※This is the list price. If you are able to come to the hospital for a photo shoot, we will be able to provide you with a monitor price if you pass the screening.
〈Set contents〉
◆Aquicell Liposuction(Thighs, buttocks, knees set)¥1,430,400(TAX in)
◆VASER option ¥122,220(TAX in)
Total ¥1,552,620(TAXin)




所在地 東京都中央区銀座4丁目3番1号 並木館9階
診療時間 AM10:00~PM7:00
アクセス 銀座線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
日比谷線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
丸ノ内線 銀座駅 徒歩1分
山手線 有楽町駅 徒歩4分



葛島 魁人 医師
葛島 魁人 医師
■日本救急医学会 ICLS/immediate cardiac life support プロバイダー
■ボトックス 認定医
2017年 順天堂大学医学部卒業
2017年 順天堂大学附属静岡病院勤務(形成外科)
2018年 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院勤務(形成外科)
2019年 湘南美容クリニック入職
2021年 湘南美容クリニック豊洲院 院長就任
2022年 湘南美容クリニック銀座院 院長就任

SBCメディカルグループ クリニック一覧












オンラインクリニック クリニック一覧

リッツ美容外科 クリニック一覧

ゴリラクリニック クリニック一覧

リゼクリニック クリニック一覧


湘南美容クリニックは日本美容外科学会(JSAPS)専門医、日本美容外科学会正会員、日本形成外科学会専門医 、先進医療医師会 参与、日本再生医療学会 理事長補佐、国際美容外科学会(International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)Active Member、医学博士、厚生労働省認定臨床研修指導医、日本整形外科学会・専門医、日本麻酔科学会認定医、厚生労働省麻酔科標榜医、日本外科学会専門医・正会員、日本胸部外科学会正会員、日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会会員、日本静脈学会会員医学博士、日本医師会認定産業医、日本抗加齢医学会会員、日本マイクロサージャリー学会会員、GID(性同一性障害)学会会員、日本脂肪吸引学会会員、美容皮膚科学会正会員、日本レーザー治療学会会員などの資格を保有した医師が在籍しております。

